We are doing everything we can to offer help to those who need it, both in our local community and across the world. Because of your support we are able to continue to provide: a variety of services and events at our building and online, support to global mission, and also Jesus’ light to the most vulnerable in our community.
For many Christians the act of giving is an important part of their worship. If you would like to make a donation to the church today you can do this in several ways:
Please Note: there are further costs involved utilising Tith.ly where possible please use BACS transfer or cheque. If you are eligible for gift aid please consider selecting the gift aid box on the payment form.
If you have any questions please email us at enquiries@dunfermlinewest.org or drop in at Dunfermline West Baptist Church.
Dunfermline West Baptist Church
Chalmers Street, Dunfermline
KY12 8DG